The Origin Of Picnics (2)

Picnic OriginIdioms are interesting units that add color to language, though they will make English onerous to study. An idiom is a phrase or phrase which has a which means totally different from its literal one. For instance, if I say that one thing is a pink herring, I generally do not imply that it’s a herring that’s crimson in colour. If I say that one thing is a tremendous kettle of fish, I’m often not admiring fish inside a tea kettle. Interestingly, though, when the origin of some idioms is explored, including the two fish idioms that I’ve just mentioned, a literal or logical explanation is discovered.

Wherever it is carried out, picnicking could be one of the supreme pleasures of outside life. At its most elegant, it requires the accompaniment of the most effective linens and crystal and china; at its easiest it needs solely a bottle of wine … Read more