A Red Herring And A Fine Kettle Of Fish (2)

Picnic OriginThis submit goes against my inclination to maintain this web site mild however the goal is to take the heavy out of an harmless time period.

Very attention-grabbing. I even have at all times heard these idioms but by no means knew what they meant, a lot less their origin. Wonderful article. A long salting and smoking interval is required to turn a herring pink. One firm states that the method requires two to a few weeks of soaking in brine followed by two to three weeks of smoking. In order to shorten this lengthy procedure, commercially produced kippers usually contain synthetic colour. Thank you very a lot for the remark and for sharing an idiom that I’ve never heard of earlier than, Faith. Thank you for all the votes and shares, too. I always respect your kindness! Blessings to you. I by no means had any thought what a nice kettle of fish was, although I heard it prior to now. Thanks for getting it cleared up for me. Hi Linda. How interesting. I definitely learned something new at present. I had no idea as to the origin of these idioms. Great job.

Idiom is what colors language. It’s what poets use to ‘paint’ a picture, it’s what skalds used to present colour to sagas that praised their paymasters and lifted them to the level of the gods. Kennings are idioms that can be utilized as an alternative of prosaic nouns or adjectives, ‘Sif’s gold’ to describe hair (Thor’s spouse Sif had a hairpiece of spun gold made by the dark elves), ‘mare’s tails’ to describe the foaming wave crowns, ‘Withering just like the gods with out Idun’s apples’ (Loki stole the goddess Idun’s apples and the gods started to age with out their youth-giving high quality). Good selections, as both idioms are more common in on a regular basis discussions than most people may think. The red herring is used continuously used in politics and a shocking variety of people are proven off monitor as a result, and often by no means learn the difference.

What an interesting hub. It is fascinating how those idioms originated and even now a few of it’s nonetheless hypothesis as per your kettle of fish example. English for non English speakers should be a hard language to study given all the different meanings. Your hubs are all the time informative and enjoyable to read. Thanks for the fascinating comment, Wesman! The English language can be complicated, but I suppose it’s attention-grabbing, too. I get pleasure from finding out its origins and improvement. Hi, poetryman. Thanks for the comment and the vote. Thank you for sharing the very fascinating image, too! That cat could be interesting to see. Like many such legends, it came from an email. The info was said to be confirmed by the Smithsonian Institution.

The first documented look of the term exterior the French language occurred in 1748, but picnic was not often used in English previous to 1800 or thereabouts. Even then, the phrase still wasn’t being used in America (but reasonably in England) and referred to a fashionable pot-luck social affair that was not necessarily held out-of-doorways. I at all times get uncomfortable once I see somebody misusing issues. I suppose I’m aware that I surely am misusing some phrases or phrases someplace….and someone out there’s uncomfortable about it. You at all times include very attention-grabbing tidbits of knowledge in your hub. What a joy to read your hubs. He’s bought himself right into a high-quality kettle of fish through the use of 4 bank cards to make purchases this month.

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