The Forensic Medicon 2024

The Forensic Medicon 2024

The Forensic Medicon 2024 is set to take place from January 17-20, 2024, at AIIMS Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. This event will mark the 45th Annual National Conference of the Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (IAFM), an institution known for its dedication to the advancement of forensic medicine in India. This year’s conference promises to be a significant convergence of professionals and experts from forensic medicine and allied sciences, both from India and around the world​. Visit

Overview of Forensic Medicon 2024

The IAFM Annual Conference serves as a vital platform for the forensic medicine community, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and breakthroughs in this ever-evolving field. Forensic Medicon 2024 aims to offer attendees a deep dive into the latest research, technological advancements, case studies, and best practices in forensic medicine. The scientific committee has worked meticulously to organize a well-curated array of sessions, including oral presentations, poster exhibitions, workshops, and keynote addresses from national and international speakers​.

The conference theme is expected to revolve around the contemporary challenges and solutions in forensic practice. With its focus on innovation, Forensic Medicon 2024 aims to push the boundaries of traditional forensic methods and explore interdisciplinary approaches to forensic science, incorporating advancements in genetic research, digital forensics, and toxicology. This makes the conference not only a space for academic exchange but also for strategic discussions that influence the future direction of forensic medicine in India​.

Scientific Program and Presentations

A major highlight of Forensic Medicon 2024 is its scientific program, which includes a variety of presentation formats designed to cater to different aspects of forensic medicine:

  1. Oral Paper Presentations: Registered participants can submit papers for oral presentations, which will be evaluated based on their research originality, relevance to forensic medicine, and scientific rigor. Oral presentations are expected to be brief, with a maximum duration of 8 minutes (6 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A). Topics will likely include criminalistics, forensic pathology, clinical forensic medicine, forensic anthropology, and legal medicine​.
  2. Poster Presentations: Poster sessions offer a more visual medium for showcasing research. Abstracts are to be submitted for review, and upon acceptance, authors are expected to present their posters in a concise format. The presentations are limited to 3 minutes, with an additional minute allocated for discussions. Poster presenters are also allowed to include up to five slides to provide further depth to their research if necessary. This segment of the conference encourages visual storytelling of forensic science research, using data, images, and case illustrations​.
  3. Workshops and Keynotes: The scientific program will also feature a series of workshops aimed at providing hands-on training in forensic techniques. These workshops will be led by renowned forensic professionals from India and abroad. Alongside these, keynote sessions from global leaders in forensic science will inspire and educate participants about the latest developments, challenges, and innovations in the field​.

Registration and Participation

The event is expected to attract participants from various segments of the forensic medicine community, including professionals, students, and academic scholars. Registration is open to various categories:

  • Delegates: For professionals in the field, the registration fee ranges from INR 7,000 (super early bird) to INR 10,000 (spot registration).
  • Postgraduate Students: Special rates apply for PG students, ranging from INR 4,000 to INR 6,400, depending on when they register.
  • Undergraduate Students: UG students are also welcomed, with fees between INR 3,000 and INR 4,500​.

Foreign delegates are also invited to participate, with a registration fee of USD 600 to USD 680 depending on when they register. Importantly, delegates above the age of 70 are entitled to complimentary registration, encouraging seasoned experts to contribute their wealth of experience to the discussions​.

All attendees must register online, and participation in scientific presentations is reserved for registered delegates only. This process ensures that the conference remains an exclusive event for professionals, academics, and scholars genuinely interested in advancing forensic science​.

Venue and Location

The venue, AIIMS Nagpur, is one of the premier medical institutions in India. The city of Nagpur itself offers a vibrant backdrop for the conference. Known as the geographical center of India, Nagpur is an exciting fusion of traditional heritage and modern development. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the city’s rich cultural history, local cuisine, and nearby attractions, such as spiritual monuments and wildlife sanctuaries.

Nagpur is also a well-connected city, accessible by air, road, and rail, making it convenient for both national and international participants. The conference organizers are also providing accommodation recommendations, ensuring that delegates have a comfortable stay during the event.


The Forensic Medicon 2024 promises to be a landmark event for forensic medicine in India. By bringing together experts, academics, and practitioners, the conference serves as a catalyst for knowledge exchange and professional development. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest scientific advancements and the evolving legal landscape surrounding forensic medicine.

With its wide array of scientific presentations, workshops, and keynotes, the conference is expected to foster collaborations, inspire new research, and address current challenges in forensic practice. Whether through the presentation of original research, the sharing of case reports, or hands-on workshops, Forensic Medicon 2024 will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and evolution of forensic medicine in India and beyond​.



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